I help fitness entrepreneurs make more sales with less headaches, here's how:

The Personal trainer world is growing, and with that comes more competition meaning YOU need to stand out.

On a fundamental basis, you need people's attention, you could have the best service in the world, but if you can’t get people to notice your service, you won’t make money.I see this time and time again, hundreds of quality coaches not making any sales because of this common mistake.How do you get people's attention you ask?Good copywriting.The quality of your copy can either make or break your business.The difference between two trainers isn't their service.-No, you're not charging too much.
-No, your niche isn't saturated.
-No, you're not a bad trainer.
It’s not your offer, it's your copy.Most people's copy is mediocre at best and it could be making them £1,000’s more than they already are.That’s where I come in.My main goal is to boost your sales by attracting long-lasting clients by using time-tested copywriting techniques that actually work.If I can't get you 3 new clients in the first month of working with you, I’ll refund you every penny.If you feel that your business could benefit from the endless competitive advantages of copywriting, click the link below to book a call.


Dimitri made an extra £3400 in his first month working with Vartize.

Dimitri was lost.He wondered why he wasn't making money even though he was a quality coach.Dimitri thought he was doing all of the right things.-He posted daily.
-He used hashtags.
-He sent cold direct messages to his followers.
Yet his sales were stagnant…He came to Vartize for help and we quickly saw what was wrong, no wonder he wasn't making money.We re-strategized his whole marketing plan and the results speak for themselves.If you want results like this, press the ‘let’s talk’ button below.